Definition of WATT : A Unit of POWER
“If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.” ~Thomas Jefferson

Our Goal
Our Goal is to return control of the governance in our communities to the local citizens that live there, in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America, which was written to let the people govern themselves from the bottom-up in order to protect the citizenry from tyranny and dictatorial rule.
Our Focus
Our Focus is on the governance of our local Southern Minnesota Schools, Cities, Townships and Counties. We are seeing outside influencers with political agendas set by federal, state and regional agencies, manipulate the decisions of our local boards of government. Oftentimes our elected officials appoint non-elected agents of NGOs (non-government organizations), to make assessments and decisions for them. The ‘appointed’ decision-makers are an addition to the tax-paid payroll, and they have no accountability to the citizens. The end result is governance from the top-down which often reflects and enforces political agendas with little or no regard for the well-being of the taxpayer, their property rights or financial assessments assigned against them.
Our Strategy
Our Strategy is to become ‘a unit of power’, by uniting with one another for the purpose of returning our government to its intended organizational structure of the establishment of rules by the citizenry, from the bottom-up. It is our duty to pay attention to the issues in our communities, and the resolutions of these concerns by our local governing bodies in order to ensure that our elected officials are acting on our behalf. We need to remain keenly aware of the decisions that are being made and the impact of each, both short-term and long-term, to the well-being of each of the members of our communities.
“A long habit of not thinking a thing to be wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right.” ~Thomas Paine
Stay Informed ➨ Get Involved ➨ Take Action
Stay current on topics that will impact you, your family, your wallet and your business.

You can think of Federal and State Government Grants as the equivalent of ‘the apple’ in the Garden of Eden. They are offered by agents of NGOs to various business entities, Communities, Cities, Towns, Chambers of Commerce, and County Governments as a ‘blessing’ to alleviate the costs involved with operational and infrastructure expenses. The grants most often have excessive requirements and stipulations attached to the acceptance of them, which are often politically motivated and end up costing the recipients additional and ongoing expenses, not to mention the socially motivated effects that change the local area in it’s population and economic prosperity and may also threaten property rights.

The many forms and layers of government that now rule us, depend on their funding from taxes levied against our private property. As government grows, and the number of people dependent on government to take care of them grows, and funding for various government programs continue to grow, we can be certain to see our taxes rise each and every year. There will be no relief in sight. The ultimate goal of our “new government” is to tax our private properties away from us and turn America into a socialist ruled country with all of the population dependent on government. If you think this is fictitious, you need to look up the fall of other countries such as Venezuela, who were thriving economically in the not too distant past, then take a look at their current poverty rate under socialism.
This is exactly what we have present here in America. It is here by design. It has been planned. Unless we wake up from the “woke-ism” that has been forced upon us and implanted in our brains through propaganda and brain-washing, we are destined for a “total transformation of America,” as Obama foretold.

Under the guise of needing to protect the earth against climate change, we now have many restrictions and changes in our sources of energy and it’s usage, which are costing the American citizens an astronomical amount of money. The goal to reduce so-called greenhouse gas emissions has put an undue target on fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas and has led to restrictions of these types of energy sources. In place of these efficient and cost effective sources of energy we are led to believe we can substitute renewable solar and wind energy for many of our needs.
It all sounds promising and well researched, but the facts are a reality check. In order to produce a 50 megawatt current of energy with a gas fired generating plant, it would require approximately 2 to 5 acres of land for production of power. To create a 50 megawatt current of energy produced with solar panels, the amount of land required would be around 1,000 acres. To create the same equivalent of energy using wind generators, the land required would be over 4,000 acres. Both solar and wind energy are by nature unreliable, and the expense of producing them are cost prohibitive.
Another often overlooked factor when considering both solar and wind energy, is the fact that they are both heavily subsidized by grants, which were generated through taxing the citizenry.
Don’t want to get involved in politics?
You already are!
And it’s easier to betray you when you aren’t paying attention.
Be the Light

Be the Change
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What you are experiencing is the radical transformation of society into insanity.
What you are experiencing is ‘equity’, not equality.
What you are experiencing is a lust for power by the world’s elite who manipulate all of the above to control all of us below.
What you are experiencing is called ‘Divide and Conquer”. A strategy used to gain political or military control by creating division amongst people in order to prevent them from unifying and pushing back.
What you are experiencing is called ‘sustainable development’.
What you are experiencing might be the need to connect with ‘We Are The Taxpayer’.
Be the Light,
Be the Change
Click on arrow to open.
What you are experiencing is the radical transformation of society into insanity.
What you are experiencing is ‘equity’, not equality.
What you are experiencing is a lust for power by the world’s elite who manipulate all of the above to control all of us below.
What you are experiencing is called ‘Divide and Conquer”. A strategy used to gain political or military control by creating division amonst people in order to prevent them from unifying and pushing back.
What you are experiencing is called ‘sustainable development’.
What you are experiencing might be the need to connect with ‘We Are The Taxpayer’.
Sources of Information
Sources of information to help you discover the truth of what’s taking place in our world, the tactics involved, and the persons and agencies responsible can be found at the websites featured below.
A leading source for shareable documents that expose and counter media and government narratives. John Anthony, Founder of Sustainable Freedom Lab, LLC, is a nationally acclaimed speaker, researcher and writer. He is a leading expert on globalist impacts on local affairs and the effects of federal agency regulations on local rule and property rights.
Catching Fire News is a website presenting truth and knowledge through podcasts on a vast assortment of subjects including government overreach, attacks on property rights, private business, and personal liberty.
Child Protection League is committed to promoting the welfare of children and protecting them from exploitation, indoctrination and violence. They keep a watchful eye on harmful curriculum being implemented in schools, such as comprehensive sex education and critical race theory. They also have an extensive list of NGOs operating within our State, which can be found in an article titled “How Equity Has Been Embedded In Minnesota For Decades” by Julie Quist
If you are wondering how all of these evils can be orchestrated to take place simultaneously around the world, this is a website that will provide the answers. A video of major importance to understand this is “MONOPOLY”. You will be understand once you view this.